Extraglottic devices on the battlefield
T. Henlín; T. Gottvald
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika anesteziologie, resuscitace a intenzivní medicíny, 1. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy a Ústřední vojenská, nemocnice – Vojenská fakultní nemocnice Praha
Published in:
Anest. intenziv. Med., 32, 2021, č. 4-5, s. 225-228
Review Article
The role of extraglottic devices in securing the airways on the battlefield was not be completely clear althought theirs routine use in operating theaters or pre-hospital care. Only in the last decade has their position in the field become clearer, and it seems that if we choose a specific group of wounded soldiers, it is become important devices to securing the airways.
Extraglottic airway – Tactical Combat Causalty Care
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Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2021 Issue 4-5
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