Statistics in biomedical research III
K. Langová; J. Zapletalová; L. Ličman
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav lékařské biofyziky, Lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Published in:
Anest. intenziv. Med., 28, 2017, č. 6, s. 367-370
Special article
The article deals with common mistakes in data presentation, interpretation and publication. It points out the most frequent mistakes in graphic data presentation. It explains the relations between causality and correlation. It reminds of the necessity of thinking about a possible coincidence or confounding factors. It deals with the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the p-value. It mentions publication bias which occurs when authors and editors publish mostly positive findings. It recommends researchers to contact a statistician before commencing a study.
data presentation – data interpretation – p-value interpretation – data publication – publication bias
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2. Zvárová, J. Základy statistiky pro biomedicínské obory, Praha: Karolinum; 2004.
3. Greenhalgh T. Jak pracovat s vědeckou publikací. Praha: Grada; 2003.
Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Inten Intensive Care MedicineArticle was published in
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2017 Issue 6
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