Prostate cancer – from hormonal dependency to castration resistant cancer
L. Poláková; D. Pacík; A. Čermák
Published in:
Urol List 2014; 12(2): 29-39
This article focuses on prostate cancer in its most common form and presents a brief overview of its pathophysiology and diagnostics. The individual strategies of hormonal therapy and chemotherapy are outlined. It highlights the important role of androgen receptors in hormone dependent and resistant cancer treatment, taking into account the quality of life of the patient. For the sake of clarity also novel promising agents are presented, even though their application is currently limited to clinical research.
Key words:
prostate cancer, testosterone, hormonal therapy, hormonal resistance, chemotherapy, novel therapy options
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Paediatric urologist UrologyArticle was published in
Urological Journal

2014 Issue 2
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