K. Chiles 1; S. Honig 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Resident in UrologyUniversity of CT Health Science Center
1; Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery/Urology, University of CT Health Science Center Farmington CT
Published in:
Urol List 2012; 10(1): 13-18
An understanding of the detrimental effects of hypogonadism is becoming more greatly appreciated and as a result testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is becoming more common. Giving TRT to men who have a history of prostate cancer, however, is still quite controversial. This article reviews the literature regarding the evidence supporting and refuting a role of androgens and TRT in the pathophysiology of prostate cancer. The limited data of hypogonadal, prostate cancer patients treated with surgery or radiation is analyzed. In addition, an outline of the indications for and contraindications to TRT is provided with an algorithm of patient evaluation before and after TRT initiation.
Key words:
prostate cancer, hypogonadism, testosterone replacement therapy
Adapted from article originally published in Renal and Urology News.
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Paediatric urologist UrologyArticle was published in
Urological Journal

2012 Issue 1
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