The perioperational use of ultrasound examination in penetrating brain injury. Case presentation
Michal Filip 1; Petr Linzer 1; Petr Čech 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurochirurgické oddělení KNTB Zlín
1; Neurochirurgická klinika FN Ostrava Poruba
Published in:
Úraz chir. 18., 2010, č.3
The objective of the paper:
Attracting the attention to usage of perioperative 2D ultra-sound in operative treatment of brain injuries.
In neurosurgery the two-dimensional (2D) perioperative ultrasound imaging of tumor lesions has been used for a long time. The case is presented, where perioperative 2D ultrasound imaging was succesfully used for localisation of a nail hidden in the opposite hemisphere. The technique of the examination didn´t differ from imaging of brain tumors. After performing craniotomy an ultrasound probe 4-7MHz was placed under aseptic conditions on the brain. Hyperechoic corpus was visualized at the depth of 2 cm. Following a short ultrasound navigation the foreign body was removed through a limited corticotomy.
In the postoperative course the clinical condition of the patient improved. Postoperative CT imaging shoved in the region of shoot canal posttraumatic changes only. Secondary complications such as brain abscess didn´t occur.
In the presented case perioperative ultrasound proved to be an advantageous method of foreign body imaging in the injured brain tissue. Thanks to high-quality of imaging a removal of foreign body without additional com-plications was possible.
Key word:
Penetrating brain injury, foreign body, two-dimensional ultrasound.
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Surgery Traumatology Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Trauma Surgery

2010 Issue 3
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