Overview of malignant disorders derived from the histiocytic and dendritic cells
Z. Král; Z. Adam 1; M. Ježová 2; J. Neubeuer 3; Z. Řehák 4; L. Pour 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Interní hematoonkologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
1; Patologický ústav LF MU a FN BRNO
2; Radiologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
3; PET CT Oddělení Masarykův onkologická ústav
Published in:
Transfuze Hematol. dnes,25, 2019, No. 2, p. 131-146.
Review/Educational Papers
Histiocytic and dendritic cell disorders are very rare disease. Langerhans cell histiocytic is more frequent, that any other of this group. The characteristics of these diseases are summarized in this overview with respect of the recent WHO classification, published 2017 and Histocyte Society classification published 2016.
histiocytic and dendritic cell neoplasms
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Haematology Internal medicine Clinical oncologyArticle was published in
Transfusion and Haematology Today

2019 Issue 2
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