Rational algorithm for imaging techniques in multiple myeloma in the Czech Republic
J. Minařík 1; J. Hrbek 2; M. Mysliveček 3; P. Krhovská 1; T. Pika 1; J. Bačovský 1; I. Metelková 3; M. Heřman 2; V. Ščudla 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Hemato-onkologická klinika, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Palackého a Fakultní nemocnice v Olomouci
1; Radiologická klinika, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Palackého a Fakultní nemocnice v Olomouci
2; Klinika nukleární medicíny, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Palackého a Fakultní nemocnice v Olomouci
Published in:
Transfuze Hematol. dnes,21, 2015, No. 4, p. 200-205.
Comprehensive Reports, Original Papers, Case Reports
Imaging techniques are a fundamental part of multiple myeloma assessment. All diagnostics, certain staging systems and decisions regarding adequate treatment including surgery or radiotherapy are based on imaging techniques. For a very long time, conventional radiography was acknowledged to be the „golden standard“. Conventional radiography is generally accessible but it has several drawbacks including insufficient sensitivity in some areas. Modern imaging techniques such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or positron emission tomography are more sensitive and provide new and in some aspects unique information. However, they remain less accessible and more expensive. Therefore, careful deliberation is needed when selecting each of these modalities. On the other hand, the choice of adequate imaging technique should not be driven solely by expenses but rather by patient needs. The aim of our paper is to present the advantages of individual imaging techniques based on our previous studies in order to define their role in multiple myeloma diagnostics in the form of rational diagnostic algorithm.
Key words:
multiple myeloma, imaging techniques, conventional radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, positron emission tomography, low-dose computed tomography
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Haematology Internal medicine Clinical oncologyArticle was published in
Transfusion and Haematology Today

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