Influence of balneotherapy on the quality of life of insured individuals with cardiovascular diseases
H. Dolanský
Authors‘ workplace:
Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna, Ostrava
Published in:
Listy rev. Lék., 14, 2010, č. 1, s. 2-9
Sociological investigation, performed by a revision physician with policy-holders presents the results of the influence of balneotherapy with the time-lapse of three to six months after the end of the spa care. A total of 140 structured questionnaires compiled according to the internationally acknowledged SF-36 questionnaire represent a group of individual treated in three spa institutions in the Czech Republic in the period of 2006–2008 in the indication group II – diseases of cardiovascular system. The health and quality of life as viewed by the policy-holders are also evaluated in the given connections in relation to the adjusted medication performed by the attending physician. The results of the search exemplify the important share of the revision physician in evaluating the quality of life of the policyholders.
Key words:
policy-holder – revision physician – quality of life – sociological search – SF-36 questionnaire – cardiovascular diseases – spa care – quality of care
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Revision Medicine Journal

2010 Issue 1
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