The quality of life in elderly from the perspective of the insured and the physician reviewer of the health insurance company
H. Dolanský; Š. Bitomská
Authors‘ workplace:
Hutnická zaměstnanecká pojišťovna, Ostrava-Vítkovice
Published in:
Listy rev. Lék., 13, 2009, č. 3, s. 42-49
The aim of the survey undertaken with the randomly selected sample of 210 insured of the older age was to gain the information on their image of the quality of life. The authors highlight health and social problems and the close relationship with provided health and social care in the follow-up care provided by nurses of home care agencies during the period 2002–2007. It was proved that with the growing age and health complaints health is coming to the top of the scale of life values which influence the quality of life.
The loss of mobility, helplessness, inability to take care of oneself, independence and loss of social contacts and other negative consequences are the most common worries in elderly people. The survey proved still actual significance of the family in the life and its important role especially during the illness.
The tasks for payers and providers raised from the assessment of basic indicators of the quality of the care, i.e. to work on providing the information connected with the rational prescription of medicaments, indication and rational use of health care resources. The knowledge of the physician reviewer can be used for the creation of the strategy of health policy of the health insurance company for the insured of the higher age.
Key words:
quality of life – health – illness – follow-up care – sociological survey – health and social problems and care – family
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Revision Medicine Journal

2009 Issue 3
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