J. Lomozová
Authors‘ workplace:
VZP ČR-KP pro hl. m. Prahu
Published in:
Listy rev. Lék., 11, 2007, č. 2, s. 17-19
The author deals with the issue of influenza and its vaccination from the point of view of the physician reviewer. Former confusions related to the way of refunding of the vaccine and its delayed supplies made difficulties to physicians and patients in autumn 2006. At the end of the article, the treatment by virostatics and their refunding by health insurance companies are described briefly.
Key words:
vaccination against influenza – types of vaccines – indication limitation of refunding – ways of refunding – – clients of institutionalized institutes – antivirotics – conditions for refunding Oseltamivire and Zanamivire
1. Beran, J., Havlík, J. Chřipka – průvodce ošetřujícího lékaře. Praha : Maxdorf 2005.
2. VZP ČR – Číselník: Hromadně vyráběné léčivé přípravky a potraviny pro zvláštní lékařské účely – verze 591, účinnost od 1. 8. 2006.
3. VZP ČR – Metodický pokyn č. 45/2006.
Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Revision Medicine Journal

2007 Issue 2
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