Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine - Issue 3/2024

Original Papers

The eff ect of a respiratory physiotherapy program on extraoesophageal refl ux dis ease symptoms

Horová P., Dvořáček M., Zatloukal J., Rybnikár T., Raisová K.

The eff ect of gait imagery and its more demanding variant on muscle activity in stroke survivors

Haltmar- H., Janura M., Haltmar- M., Elfmark M.

Vocational rehabilitation and its impact on the quality of life of persons with disabilities – a WHODAS 2.0 survey

Džambasov P., Fricová J., Brunclíková M., Brabencová Jindřichovská M., Remr J., Ďurďa O., Kolingerová Gruntová H.

Occupational therapy of people with acquired brain injury in the home environment focusing on barriers and facilitators

Kuželková A., Vacková J., Ptaková S., Podzemná D., Pechoušková K., Angerová Y.

Case Report

Effect of visceral massage on gastrointestinal dysfunction in adults with spinal cord injury – a case study

Štěpánová J., Pliska P., Bundilová H.

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