Influence of footbike riding on the locomotor system of younger school children
Třískala Z. 1; Jandová D. 2; Morávek O. 2; Musílek M. 3; Wurstová I. 3; Škvařilová V. 3; Filó L. 4; Jurčáková E. 4; Kalina M. 4; Lukáčová D. 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Český inspektorát lázní a zřídel, Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČR
1; MediCentrum JONA s. r. o., Praha
2; Státní léčebné lázně Bludov, s. p.
3; Priessnitzovy léčebné lázně a. s., Jeseník
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 28, 2021, No. 2, pp. 67-74.
Original Papers
The authors present the results of a pilot study of basic research into the effect of the footbike riding (bipedal locomotion) on the locomotor system in 39 younger school children (aged 6–12 years). The control group without scooter rides consisted of 10 children. A battery of locomotor system tests, anthropometric measurements, bioimpedance methods and saliva sampling for cortisol levels were used for objectification. The article presents the first part of data from the total dataset, which present the results of changes in the length of shortened selected muscles – the rectus femori muscle, iliopsoas and changes in the parameter of total dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system assessed by the expert information system Computer Kinesiology. The study proves the positive effect of comprehensive spa treatment and rehabilitation care for all children. In addition, the study showed a positive effect of footbike riding on the functions of the locomotor system. Positive changes in the musculoskeletal system in the control group were less significant.
footbike riding – locomotor system – shortened muscles – Computer Kinesiology – balneotherapy
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2021 Issue 2
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