Occurrence of Insufficience of Fixation of Blades and Flat Foot in the Context of Screening for Postural Disorders in Younger School Age
T. Nováková 1; M. Černá 1; J. Vávra 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra fyzioterapie, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
1; Katedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistiky, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 27, 2020, No. 4, pp. 191-200.
Original Papers
Introduction: Due to the severity of the consequences, the diagnosis of postural disorders at a younger school age is the focus of parents, pediatricians, physiotherapists and teachers or coaches of sports teams. Significant signs of insufficiency of the so-called posture, in addition to risky asymmetric manifestations, are insufficient scapulo thoracical fixation, described as scapula alata. and flat foot.
Methods: The aim was to find statistical correlations between the finding of a) scapula alata and age, sex and the occurrence of hypermobility, shortened muscles (mm. trapezii pars descendens and mm. pectorales minores) and impaired trunk stabilization functions b) flat foot and age, sex and the occurrence of hypermobility, lumbar spine hyperlordosis, shortened hamstrings and overweight.
Results: 298 children aged 6-12 years were examined. Significant relationships between the occurrence of scapula alata (in 67 % of children) were described, with which the finding of hypermobility and shortening of mm. trapezii pars descendens has the greatest statistical relationship. The likelihood of finding scapula alata at a younger school age increases gender (girls have a 40 % lower risk of finding scapula alata), the incidence of hypermobility (the risk of finding scapula alata is 2.4 higher in hypermobile children) and shortened muscles (the likelihood of finding scapula alata is in children with shortened trapezius pars descendens increases 2.27x). The occurrence of a flat foot has the greatest and at the same time significant association with gender, the finding of hypermobility, shortened hamstrings, lumbar spine hyperlordosis and overweight. The probability of finding a flat foot was increased in boys (boys have a 56 % higher risk of finding a flat foot, overweight - in overweight children there was even a 10.1 times higher risk of flat foot) and hypermobility (children with hypermobility are 2.3 times more likely occurrence of a flat foot).
Conclusion: Although the occurrences of some observed parameters are only a manifestation of the child’s growth dynamics, it is necessary to be aware of possible risks and consequences for further movement of the child, if these manifestations of insufficiency are not diagnosed and at least controlled to prevent their fixation in further movement behavior of the child or adolescent.
flexible planovalgosity – scapula alata – children – hypermobility – trunk stability – shortened muscles
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2020 Issue 4
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