The Screening of Musculoskeletal System of School Age Children (7 and 12 years) in Prague
T. Nováková 1; P. Hiršová 1; F. Lopot 2; D. Pavlů 1; K. Lorencová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra fyzioterapie, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu UK, Praha, vedoucí katedry doc. PaedDr. D. Pavlů, CSc.
1; Katedra anatomie a biomechaniky, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu UK, Praha
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 24, 2017, No. 4, pp. 234-242.
Original Papers
The main aim of the study was to assess musculoskeletal system and to compare the selected clinical symptoms of insufficiency in locomotor system with obesity or overweight among the subjects.
The research was processed in all elementary schools located in one Prague district. In total participated 854 children (7 and 12 years old). The common and accessible physiotherapy methods were used to assess musculoskeletal system of children.
Constitutional hypermobility was identified more in younger girls, overweight or obesity more in older girls. Results of the Véle test revealed better stability performance of girls than boys. The functional flat foot has a negative effect in Véle test, contrarily children with constitutional hypermobility reached better results in this test than children with a normal or limited range of motion. The negative influence of obesity or overweight on flat foot or constitutional hypermobility could not be statistically proven.
The limited range of motion (caused mainly by shorten muscles) and flat foot have negative impact to the stability of standing in the Véle test in the younger school age. The conclusions were the basis of recommendations for physical education and primary school teachers to the preventive program (specific muscle groups stretching and stability exercises).
locomotor system, flatfoot, overweight, obesity, hypermobility, stability, Véle test
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2017 Issue 4
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