Importance of Physiotherapy in Individuals with End-stage Renal Disease
A. Mahrová 1; K. Jurová 1; J. Prajsová 2; V. Bunc 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Laboratoř sportovní motoriky FTVS UK, Praha
vedoucí pracoviště Ing. F. Zahálka, Ph. D.
1; Laboratoř sociální psychiatrie, Psychiatrické centrum Praha
vedoucí pracoviště PhDr. L. Csémy
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 16, 2009, No. 4, pp. 155-164.
Original Papers
Aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive view of the end-stage renal disease, dialysis treatment and possible associated complications to physiotherapeutic public. Moreover, we put forward results of the three year project that has proceeded with half-year exercise intervention in selected dialysis centers within the Czech Republic. Physical fitness of the patients with end-stage renal disease is still a poorly discussed topic in our country as well as the option of regular physical activity or physiotherapeutic techniques that might improve an overall functional and mental condition of the patients. Exercise during dialysis treatment and physiotherapeutic care is not commonly available for patients in the Czech dialysis centers. Our project showed that patients tolerated physical load well, moreover we observed certain improvement of their quality of life in certain components of functional and mental condition. Exercise activity during dialysis does not endanger patient in his health condition if the recommended principles have been followed.
Key words:
end-stage renal disease, dialysis, physical activity, musculoskeletal system disorders, physiotherapy, quality of life
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

2009 Issue 4
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