Non - standard Treatment of Clavicle Fracture

Authors: Z. Košťál
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení pro ortopedii a traumatologii pohybového systému, Okresní nemocnice Vsetín
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., , 2004, No. 1, pp. 40-44.


The fracture of clavicle is one of the most frequent fractures in general, although it is considered –rightly – a benign fracture. Defective healing of these fractures occurs in 0.1% to 15%. The usuallyconsidered factors of unfavorable healing include, in addition to primary open reposition and internalfixation, also interposition of soft tissues, inadequate primary immobilization, re-frectures and openfractures.Clavicle plays an important role in stabilization of shoulder girdle and unhealed clavicle rarely remainswithout symptoms. Difficulties are caused by pains in the area of pseudoarthrosis, less functionalshoulder girdle, but also compression of branchial plexus and vascular structures, which areintimately conected with the pseudoarhrosis. The defect is mostly treated by surgical intervention ofreconstruction of salvage character. Resection operations are not recommended.The case report describes accidental injury is a young woman, who developed a pseudoarthrosisafter usual conservative treatment and was subsequently treated by early resection of clavicle. Thereconstruction treated is described including complications, which developed. The X-ray documentationand clinical photographs demonstrate the course of treatment and good functional result withrestored original length of the clavicle.

Key words:
clavicle, fracture

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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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