M a g n e s i u m i n N a t u r a l M i n e r a l W a t e r s

Authors: J. Benta;  L. Sadílek
Authors‘ workplace: OLOP ÚZP VZP ČR PrahaOKB Okresní nemocnice Cheb
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., , 1999, No. 2, pp. 53-62.


After a brief account on the role of magnesium in the organism, the article deals with magnesium inmineral waters and its effect when administered by the oral route. The authors discuss in detailMagnesia, the exceptional natural weakly mineralized magnesium hydrogen carbonate mineralwater from Louka near Mariánské Lázně. Based on extensive experimental and clinical trials, theyexplain its importance in the prevention and treatment of magnesium depletion and findingspertaining to its effect in the prevention and treatment of oxalate lithiasis.

Key words:
magnesium mineral water, magnesium in the organism, Magnesia, mineralwater drinking therapy, prevention of magnesium depletion, treatment of oxalate lithiasis

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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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