Respiration Aspect of the Bilateral Asymetry of the Trunk Tophography

Authors: M. Chalupová;  S. Otáhal;  J. Otáhalová
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra anatomie a biomechaniky, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu Univerzity Karlovy v Praze(Úloha byla řešena v rámci grantu GAČR 1995-7 S. Otáhal: Tvarová stabilita axiálního systému)
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., , 1998, No. 4, pp. 160-162.


The axial system is defined as the subsystem of motion system which is formed by the trunk of the body and is anatomically bordered on one side by the atlant-occipital connection, and further by shoulder and hip joints. It is a dynamic system with the structure formed by a set of subsystem which represent the skeletal, muscular, neurohumoral and visceral parts. A combined investigation method was used for the solution of the task „the analysis of the trunk topography and muscle disbalance“. The method includes especially objective determination the posture and topography of the body by the optical Moire method. In addition this 3D shape information was completed with the aid of loction of muscle spasms and nociceptial zones detected by palpation on the body of the treated person. Respiration shape changes of the chest during respiration show common signs of light but visible side asymmetry, in particularly at the beginning of inhalation. This asymmetry either weakens, or disapears, or on the contrary it intensifies with maximum inhalation. No common tendencies which could show compliance or difference for individual testing groups were found.

Key words:
axial system, moiré topography, respiration, asymetry

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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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