Men talk about assisted reproduction
A. Kubičková; H. Konečná
Authors‘ workplace:
Zdravotně sociální fakulta Jihočeské univerzity České Budějovice
; Jírovcova
24; 01 České Budějovice
Published in:
Prakt Gyn 2010; 14(3): 137-141
Unreviewed Post
To explore men’s attitudes towards fertility malfunction and sperm donation and define their roles in the process of solution finding for fertility malfunction. To suggest approaches aimed at supporting men in the process of fertility malfunction.
86 randomly selected men aged 20–50 years were asked about assisted reproduction. All of them were either planning fatherhood or were fathers already.
Qualitative research methods were used for the pilot phase that, nevertheless, was extensive enough to provide a valuable initial depiction of the topic being researched. The data were collected during semi-structured interviews and then analyzed qualitatively – the grounded theory method was applied and data were analyzed with the support of Atlas, a qualitative data analysis software.
The research indicates that men generally perceive fertility malfunction as a woman’s problem; this is supported not only by society‘s behavioural patterns but also by the healthcare system. Men’s passive attitude is generally altered after being involved in the process of sperm donation.
Fertility malfunction is one of the topics that reflect current family status and influences partnerships. The role of a man changes alongside the process of solution of fertility malfunction – from the initial passive towards supportive role and to the point when men themselves are in need of support. As the medical process of treating fertility malfunction grows longer, men are more willing to test a wider spectrum of treatment modalities. For men, assisted reproduction therefore represents an acceptable approach to facilitate conception.
Key words:
men – assisted reproduction – gamete donation – spermiogram – infertility
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Practical Gynecology

2010 Issue 3
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