ICTP marker and breast cancer with bone metastases – our experience
V. Bella; E. Zámečníková; E. Minariková; J. Silešová; H. Danielová; E. Rácová
Published in:
Prakt Gyn 2010; 14(1): 22-24
Original Article
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the female population. In spite of much progress in diagnostics and treatment, metastases frequently occur, locoregional as well as distant. Early diagnosis of the distant metastases is sometimes problematic. Specific marker plasma level determination represents one of the options currently used for metastases detection. ICTP (carboxy‑terminal telopeptide of type- I collagen) marker is one of the newly available markers. Our outpatient clinic focused on determining the sensitivity and specificity of this marker in detecting bone metastases associated with breast cancer. We examined 138 women. The cohort consisted of asymptomatic women diagnosed with breast cancer in preventive monitoring and/ or treatment without verified metastases or increased CA 15- 3, CEA markers and of women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. With the threshold ICTP plasma level of 5.7 μmol/ ml, the sensitivity of ICTP examination was 64% and specificity 91%. The ICTP marker is one of the newly available markers that is increasingly being used in clinical practice.
Key words:
breast cancer – ICTP – carboxy‑terminal telopeptide of type- I collagen
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Practical Gynecology

2010 Issue 1
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