Wunderlich‘s syndrome in patient with sporadic bilateral angiomyolipomas – case report
H. Shaikh 1; B. Nechanská 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Urologické oddělení, Oblastní nemocnice Kladno, a. s.
1; Urologické oddělení, Oblastní nemocnice Mladá Boleslav, a. s.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2020, roč. 99, č. 12, s. 548-551.
Case Report
We present the case report of bilateral renal angiomyolipomas in a 70-year-old patient. Spontaneous bleeding into the retroperitoneum and hemodynamic instability required an acute surgical revision with a left-sided nephrectomy. The contralateral angiomyolipoma was selectively embolized in the second period and subsequently resected.
angiomyolipoma − spontaneous rupture − retroperitoneal bleeding − Wunderlich syndrome − tuberous sclerosis
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Perspectives in Surgery

2020 Issue 12
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