Omentum majus and milky spots as an important part of the immune system
L. Havrlentová 1,2; H. Faistová 3,4,5; M. Mazur 1; A. Humeňanská 1; Š. Polák 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení, Vítkovická nemocnice a. s., Ostrava
primář: MUDr. M. Mazur PhD. MBA
1; Ústav histológie a embryológie, LF Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave
prednosta: prof. MUDr. Š. Polák CSc.
2; CGB laboratoř, Ostrava
primář: MUDr. D. Žiak
3; Ústav patologie, LF Ostravské Univerzity
vedoucí ústavu: doc. MUDr. J. Dvořáčková Ph. D.
4; Ústav patologie, FN Ostrava
přednosta: doc. MUDr. J. Dvořáčková Ph. D.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2017, roč. 96, č. 9, s. 383-386.
Original articles
Description and analysis of human omental milky spots is still not sufficiently clarified. In our study we describe the morphology of human omental milky spots and we also bring together a summary of the current knowledge of their function based on the available literature.
Samples of the omentum majus were collected preoperatively during surgical procedures in Vítkovice Hospital and subsequently subjected to further processing and histological analysis. Histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin with a focus on the milky spots morphology and comparison of two groups of patients.
Milky spots detected in the study were predominantly oval 56% (n=10), irregular in shape 28% (n=5) and round 16% (n=3). The average number of immune cells found in one milky spot in group A was 435 (194−620). The average number of immune cells found in one milky spot in group B was 54 (40−112). All milky spots were unencapsulated, macroscopically, they appear as furtive structures resembling white cotton balls. 72% (n=13) of milky spots were covered by mesothelial cells.
Milky spots are small submesothelial lymphatic structures found in the omentum majus. They are in contact with the peritoneal cavity. They have their own vascular supply and no capsule. Our results show that the number and size of omental milky spots increase in patients with peritonitis.
Key words:
omentum majus − milky spots – morphology − surgery
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

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