Different techniques of vessel reconstruction in kidney transplantation −10-years experiences
P. Závacký 1; Ľ. Beňa 2; M. Zavacká 3; M. Frankovičová 3
Authors‘ workplace:
I. Chirurgická klinika UNLP a LF Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, Košice
prednosta: prof. MUDr. J. Radoňak, PhD.
1; Transplantačné oddelenie UNLP, Košice
vedúci pracoviska: MUDr. Ľ. Beňa, PhD.
2; Klinika cievnej chirurgie LF Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika a VÚSCH, a. s., Košice
prednosta: prof. MUDr. M. Frankovičová, PhD.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2016, roč. 95, č. 6, s. 231-239.
Original articles
The aim of the study was to analyze own results from Transplant Center Kosice, Slovak Republic.
In total 457 patients in the end-stage renal failure were included to the kidney transplant program. Following techniques were used: arterioplasty, individual renal artery anastomosis and multiple renal arteries anastomosed on a common patch. The kidney transplant (Tx) especially requires surgical technique of a vascular anastomosis.
Renal transplantation has been established in Transplant Center Kosice since 1988. The arterioplasty of renal artery was performed in 102 (22.3%) and individual artery anastomosis in 25 (5.5%) patients. Multiple artery anastomosis on the patch was done in 43 (9.4%) and implantation of pole renal arteries to the main trunk performed in 34 (7.4%) cases.
Renal transplantation is a lifesaving method in end stage renal failure.
Key words:
kidney transplantation – arterioplasty, cold ischemia time − vascular anastomosis
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2016 Issue 6
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