Monster hernia programme in Hernia Centre Liberec
J. Škach; R. Harcubová; V. Petráková; L. Brzulová; M. Krejbichová; K. Kocmanová
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení, Krajská nemocnice Liberec, a. s., přednosta: MUDr. P. Hromádka
; Kýlní centrum, Krajská nemocnice Liberec, vedoucí centra: MUDr. J. Škach
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2016, roč. 95, č. 5, s. 177-187.
The authors introduce a unique programme in the Czech Republic focused on extreme herniology. Patients with giant complex ventral hernias (monster hernias) have been concentrated in a high-volume hernia center with the most advanced perioperative intensive care since 2012. The authors present their single centre experience with the support of literature.
Between 2012−2015 we operated on 36 patients with a giant complex hernia. Minimal inclusion criteria for enrolment in the very heterogeneous group included: a defect over 15 cm wide, loss of domain of 20% and higher, and the mean surface area of at least 225 cm².We consider not only advanced abdominal wall reconstruction techniques to be essential in the treatment of giant complex ventral hernias. Open component separation, endoscopic component separation technique, bariatric procedures, panniculectomy, abdominoplasty, advancement flaps, skin grafting, preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum, CT volumetry, individual binders tailoring, crane pulley and many others (see the text) should all be included in the armamentarium of such specialized, high-volume hernia centres. The anatomy, function and aesthetics should be inseparable parts of preoperative planning. Apart from the operation there are three major aspects in the treatment of the so called monster hernias: tailoring, preconditioning and complex postoperative care. NPWT (negative pressure wound therapy) should be easily accessible in case of extensive skin necrosis with mesh infection after major abdominal hernia repairs. Using negative pressure we have saved 100% of infected prostheses from explantation (including MRSA, ESBL..).
Monster hernia programme is challenging for both the patient and the surgeon. It is costly, time consuming, associated with a high complication ratio (high morbidity and recurrence) and is designed for patients with a significant health, social, work, sexual and sports handicap, and with the risk of further severe or irreversible health problems.
Key words:
hernia − component separation − abdominoplasty − volumetry
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2016 Issue 5
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