Transtibial amputation: sagittal flaps in patients with diabetic foot syndrome
F. Jalůvka 1; P. Ostruszka 1; P. Sitek 2; A. Foltýs 1; P. Vávra 1; P. Jelínek 1; P. Zonča 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika FNO, Ostrava, přednosta: Doc. MUDr. P. Zonča Ph. D., FRCS
1; Chirurgicko-traumatologické oddělení Nemocnice ve Frýdku-Místku, primář: MUDr. A. Hájek
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2014, roč. 93, č. 3, s. 139-142.
Original articles
Diabetic foot syndrome is defined by ulcer or destruction of leg tissues in patiens with diabetes (diabetics) associated with infection, neuropathy and various degree of ischaemia (peripheral vascular disease). In Czech Republic in 2010 were registrated over 45 000 patients with diabetic foot syndrome. 8500 (diabetics) patients with diabetes undergone the surgery (any type of amputation).
Material and methods:
In retrospective non randomized trial we evaluated the population of patiens with lower limb amputation admitted to Clinic of Surgery FNO between 2010–1012. We introduce current (present) view to possibilities of lower limb amputations, historical problems and development of surgical methods. Special aspect is dedicated to sagital shank amputation. Detail description of operative (surgical) technique itself and crural region (area) anatomy.
In 2010–2012 we achieved 146 lower limb apmutations in shank, from that 27 sagital shank amputations( sagital operative method). We observed ( followed up) the numer of reoperations, reasons that led to amputation, wounds healing by secondary intention, itęs sources and necessity of revision due to postoperative hemorrhage.
Effects of amputations on patientęs quality of life. Social and socioeconomical impacts. Provably lower number of complications in sagital shank amputations compared to (in comparison with) conventional methods. Authors would like to point out and introduce interesting operation method to the general public.
Key words:
diabetes – diabetic foot syndrome – amputation
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2014 Issue 3
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