Bilateral perinatal torsion of spermatic cord – a case report and literature review
M. Drlík; R. Kočvara
Authors‘ workplace:
Urologická klinika 1. LF UK a Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice Praha
přednosta: Prof. MUDr. T. Hanuš, DrSc.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2013, roč. 92, č. 2, s. 98-101.
Case Reports
Perinatal spermatic cord torsion represents a less common manifestation of spermatic cord torsion. In newborns, normal fixation between testicular coverings and tunica dartos is not yet well established, and abnormal testicular mobility results in extravaginal type of torsion. Salvage rate of testes after detorsion is low. Management of perinatal torsion still remains a controversial issue. Some authors refuse scrotal exploration as useless, their opponents recommend emergent bilateral surgical exploration for the protection of the healthy gonad.
Case study:
Authors report a case of a newborn who underwent scrotal exploration for clinical signs of the right-side perinatal torsion. The right completely necrotic testicle was removed. It was decided to fix the contralateral testis to prevent torsion. However, the exploration of the left testicle revealed ischemic damage corresponding to the asynchronous perinatal torsion after its spontaneous detorsion. The testicle was left (preserved) in scrotum and fixed. The follow-up then confirmed the loss of functional testicular tissue. This is the first case of bilateral perinatal torsion described in the Czech and Slovak literature.
Perinatal spermatic cord torsion may result in a severe complication – bilateral testicular atrophy due to asynchronous torsion of the contralateral testicle. The authors demonstrate that in newborns physical examination and ultrasonography may be not sensitive enough for the assessment of the testis condition. In the light of the case study and literature reviewed they strongly recommend early bilateral scrotal exploration with preventive testes fixation to protect the healthy gonad.
Key words:
spermatic cord torsion – extravaginal torsion – newborn – perinatal torsion – acute scrotum
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2013 Issue 2
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