Urethral catheter as a risk factor of urologic complications after total knee arthoplasty – the retrospective analysis
J. Hrubinová 1; M. Hrubina 2; J. Pangrác 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Urologické oddělení Nemocnice Pelhřimov, primář: MUDr. Jaromír Pangrác
1; Ortopedické oddělení Pelhřimov, vedením oddělení pověřen: MUDr. Miroslav Skoták
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2012, roč. 91, č. 1, s. 12-17.
Original articles
In the literature, there are only few articles about urologic complications after total knee arthroplasty. We have evaluated our group of patients focusing on urethral catheter as a risk factor for urologic complications after the replacement.
Material and Method:
We have evaluated a group of 236 patients (143 female and 93 male subjects) aged 71.3 years on average, after primary total knee arthroplasty in 2008–2009, focusing on urologic complications of the patients. Permanent catheter was introduced in all the subjects after the operation. The group of patients was evaluated at end of 2010. We have evaluated urologic complications, the period of time the catheter was in place and analyzed the risk factors one year after the operation.
The incidence of urologic complications is 19.4% in men and 6.3% in women. The average duration of catheterization was 4 days, and 7 days in patients with complications. 126 patients (53.4%) had their catheter introduced for up to 4 days, out of whom complications occured in 5 (4%) patients. 110 patients (46.4%) were catheterized for over 4 days, and in this subgroup, complication occured in 23 (21%) subjects. IPSS is 8, on average, in complications 12/35, on average. A total of 5 patients were unsatisfied (2.1%). The combination of male gender with catheterization for over 4 days, is the main risk factor for urologic complications.
In the literature the authors found only several articles related to urologic complications after the knee arthroplasty focused on postoperative urinary retention and the catheter. The risk factor is increased duration of catheterization , male gender and, partially, positive urologic anamnesis. There is a posibility to use „safe catheter“ in the risky patients in future.
Key words:
urologic complications of treatment – knee arthroplasty
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2012 Issue 1
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