750 Satisfied Patients? Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy (Longo Procedure) for the Treatment of Haemorrhoids and Anal Canal Prolapse: A Review of our 10-year Experience
S. Černý; J. Král; Z. Šebesta
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení Nemocnice Na Františku, Praha, primář MUDr. S. Černý.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2011, roč. 90, č. 7, s. 414-418.
Monothematic special - Original
Haemorrhoid disease in a common ailment, which constitues a serious clinical and social problems, especially in countries having a significant level of development. There have been a great number of articles published on the method of treatment for haemorrhoid disease and anal canal prolapse with circular stapler introduced to clinical practise by Longo in the year 1993. However, there are very few studies devoted to assessment of this procedure in the Czech medical literature.
Summary our 10 year experience - to perform a retrospective evaluation of early and long- term results of surgical treatment with a Longo procedure.
Patients and methods:
We evaluated retrospectively 750 patients, submitted in our hospital to Longo procedure since January 2000 until December 2009, considering results and complications of this procedure. 435 (58%) were women and 315 (42%) men, aged from17 to 83 (46.2 years old on overall). Mean follow up was 5.5 months (ranged from 3 months to 3.5 years).
Complications occurred in 76 patients (10.1 %). In 24 patients (3.2 %) during the early post-operative period . Late complications developed in 52 patients (6.9 %). 34 patients (4.5 %) required reoperation. Duration of hospitalisation after the procedure ranged from 2 to 8 days, an overage of 3.2 days.
Longo procedure in indicated cases – treatment of the 3rd and 4th stage of haemorrhoid disease and anal canal prolapse, is an advisable alternative to other surgical methods. Has satisfactory short and long-term effects, lower postoperative pains, shortening of the patient’s hospital stay. Longo’s method is safe and suitable for the haemorrhoid therapy, can be recommended in selective patients for a one-day surgery scheme.
Key words:
Longo procedure – haemorrhoid disease – anal canal prolapse
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2011 Issue 7
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