Stolz A., Šimonek J., Haruštiak T., Schützner J., Pafko P., Lischke R.: Timeline Trends in Surgery of Bronchogenic Carcinoma
A. Stolz; J. Šimonek; T. Haruštiak; J. Schützner; P. Pafko; R. Lischke
Authors‘ workplace:
III. chirurgická klinika 1. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha, přednosta: MUDr. R. Lischke
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2011, roč. 90, č. 4, s. 216-221.
Monothematic special - Original
The aim of our study was to determine how patient preoperative status and outcomes of resection have changed over last 12 years.
Material and Methods:
This retrospective study of prospective database included 1412 patients operated from January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2009. Patient characteristics and outcomes were compared for two time periods (1998–2003 and 2004–2009).
We performed 985 lobectomies with 30-days mortality 1.8% and 300 pneumonectomies with 30-days mortality 5.7%. Median of survival of all 1412 patients was 4.3 year and 5-year survival was 45%. The percentage of female patients, lobectomies and adenocarcinoma increased over time, as well as age of our patients. Outcome improved over time, with significant decrease in 30-days mortality after pneumonectomy (8.2% vs. 2.3%, p = 0.029). The overall 3-year survival improved in patients with III. stage (30 % vs. 40 %, p = 0.012).
Our study identified time trends which are in-line with increased incidence of lung cancer among women and with improvement of preoperative evaluation, preoperative and postoperative care
Key words:
lung cancer – resection – mortality
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2011 Issue 4
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