Our Experience with Free Hand Camera
P. Zonča; F. Brenig; J. Henkel; C. A. Jacobi
Authors‘ workplace:
Zentrum für Viszeral und Minimal Invasive Chirurgie, Wesseling, Köln am Rhein, Německo, Chefarzt: Prof. Dr. med. C. A. Jacobi, PhD.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2010, roč. 89, č. 3, s. 188-193.
Monothematic special - Original
The evaluation of the contribution of Free Hand camera to laparoscopic resection of colon sigmoideum in clinical praxis.
Material and method:
Free Hand camera is an automatic camera system controlled by a surgeon. In the prospective-retrospective trial we have compared two groups of 20 patients together. In the first group there were patients with laparoscopic resection of colon sigmoideum with the Free hand camera usage and in the second group there were patients with laparoscopic resection of colon sigmoideum with a human assistant. We evaluated the length of surgery and surgeon’s comfort. The intraoperative data of both of the patient groups were compared with the usage of physiological and operative score (POSSUM).
The length of surgery in the group with the human assistant and Free Hand camera were 149, and 161 minutes respectively. There is no statistically significant difference in the length of surgery (p = 0.05) in both of the groups. The surgeon in both of the patient groups evaluated the operative view and comfort as good.
The pilot study has shown the usability of Free Hand in praxis. The daily usage of Free Hand camera is possible in elective as well as acute surgeries after managing of the learning curve.
Key words:
Free Hand – laparoscopy
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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2010 Issue 3
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