Endoluminální vakuová terapie v léčbě prosakování anastomózy po přední resekci rekta
R. Weidenhagen 1; K. U. Gruetzner 2; T. Wiecken 1; F. Spelsberg 1; Jauch K.-W. 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Department of Surgery Klinikum Grosshadern Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich, Munich, Germany
1; Clinic for Visceral-, Vascular and Transplant Surgery Chair of Surgery I, University Witten/Herdecke Clinic Cologne-Merheim, Cologne, Germany
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2008, roč. 87, č. 8, s. 397-402.
Monothematic special - Original
Anastomotic leakage is the most important complication after (deep) anterior rectal resection, and is the main cause for the high level of patient mortality and morbidity [1-5]. It can lead to generalized peritonitis, with a severe septic progression involving multiple organ failure and potentially culminating in the death of the patient. Despite numerous improvements in the surgical technique, it has so far not been possible to reduce the leakage rate significantly [6, 7]. An innovative endoscopic method for treating anastomotic leakage has now been developed and established clinically at the Department of Surgery, University of Munich - Großhadern [8]. Working together with B. Braun, we have been able to develop the technique of endoluminal vacuum therapy further into the Endo-SPONGE treatment, and prepare it as an autonomous therapeutic method. In the following report we present our experiences to date in the area of endoluminal vacuum therapy.
Key words:
endoluminal vacuum therapy – anastomotic leakage – rectal resection
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20. Weidenhagen, R., Gruetzner, K. U., Wiecken, T., Spelsberg, F., Jauch, K. W. Endoscopic vacuum-assisted closure of anastomotic leakage following anterior resection of the rectum: a new method. Surg. Endosc., 2007; epub:.
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Perspectives in Surgery

2008 Issue 8
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