An Example of the Liver Metastases Downstaging Following Chemoport Implantation
J. Kolařík; J. Drápela
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení, Okresní nemocnice Havlíčkův Brod, primář: MUDr. J. Drápela
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2008, roč. 87, č. 3, s. 145-148.
Monothematic special - Original
The case review describes a case of a patient, hospitalized with T3N0M1 carcinoma of the splenic flexure, with multiple metastases in the both liver lobes. The patient underwent left- sided hemicolectomy with cholecystectomy. Having considered the inoperable liver findings, a chemoport was implanted. The patient underwent 10 chemotherapy cycles with no major complications recorded. The chemotherapy cycle included Campto, Leucovorin, 5FU and, concomittantly, 5FU as a continual 22-hour infusion into the port. After completion of the Cycle 10, the ultrasound and CT findings showed marked regression of the metastases, by half to two thirds. Following consultation at the onco-surgical seminar, extended left-sided hemihepatectomy was performed. The procedure lasted 6 hours, the blood loss was 3.500 ml, the period of warm ischemia was 8 minutes. Based on the oncologists’ recommendation, the chemoport was preserved. The latest abdominal ultrasound detected no focal liver changes, a hypechogenic to unechogenic septed formation, v.s. a postoperative hematoma, was detected near the medial liver margin. Based on the conclusion of the oncological assessment, the patient was indicated for adjuvant chemotherapy, containg the same agents, for a period of 2–3 months. The aim of this report is to present a case of downstaging of the originally inoperable finding of the liver metastases.
Key words:
liver metastases – chemoport – downstaging – liver resection
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