Internal Hernias – Uncommon Causes of the Status Ileosus
E. Bakoš; J. Korček; M. Dubaj; A. Lazorišák; M. Bakoš
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika, FN Nitra, Slovenská republika, prednosta h. doc. MUDr. E. Bakoš, CSc.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2006, roč. 85, č. 2, s. 93-97.
Monothematic special - Original
Internal hernia is an uncommon cause of acute intestinal obstruction with. Preoperative diagnosis of an internal hernia is difficult because of the lack of specific signs. Only a few cases of internal hernia have been successfully diagnosed, however, most cases (74%) were initially diagnosed as intestinal obstructions. Authors present the case of the patient with the history of resection of gaster sec. Billroth II with gastroenteroanastomosis. The symptoms of the internal hernia were vomiting, abdominal pain and leaded to an emergency operation. An incarceration of the bowel retroanastomotic under the Braun anastomosis. The obstruction was released by the traction of the bowel and the abnormal opening was sutured to prevent recurrence.
Key words:
internal hernia – intestinal obstruction
Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgeryArticle was published in
Perspectives in Surgery

2006 Issue 2
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