Change in anticoagulation therapy prescription in relation to severe epistaxis
Dagmar Zpěváková; Vojtěch Beneda; Martin Světlík
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku, Krajská nemocnice T. Bati a. s., Zlín
Published in:
Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 73, 2024, No. 2, pp. 66-70.
Original Article
Introduction: Epistaxis is vascular bleeding in the area of the nasal mucosa. Anticoagulation therapy increases the incidence of epistaxis. Anticoagulants are divided into direct and indirect depending on their effects. Direct anticoagulants are primarily novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs). Warfarin belongs to the group of indirect anticoagulants. Methodology: The retrospective study evaluates the benefit of the introduction of NOACs for otorhinolaryngology in connection with the occurrence of severe epistaxis. A comparison was done of the number of hospitalized adult patients with epistaxis over the course of 6 years during warfarin and NOAC treatment who were hospitalized with epistaxis at the ENT department of KNTB in Zlín between 2017–2022. The patient’s age and gender were also monitored. The severity of epistaxis was evaluated in relation to the used nasal packing and general anesthesia. The relationship with SÚKL data on the number of issued anticoagulant drugs is described. Results: During 6 years, a total of 221 patients were hospitalized for epistaxis, 32 were taking warfarin, and 20 were taking NOACs. The average age of patients with anticoagulant treatment was 78 years, represented by 61.5% men and 38.5% women. Over the years, we see a decrease in the number of epistaxis cases in warfarin patients; with NOACs the number is stationary. According to SÚKL statistics on preparations delivered to pharmacies in 2017 and 2022, there was a decrease in the prescription of warfarin by 44%; on the contrary, an increase of NOAC was up to 170%. Conclusion: With the decrease in the prescription of warfarin, we observe a reduced number of hospitalizations with severe epistaxis with this type of treatment. On the contrary, the increase in anticoagulation therapy with preparations from the NOAC group does not lead to an increase in the incidence of epistaxis, which also benefits the ENT field.
NOAC – warfarin – epistaxis – Anticoagulants
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Přijato k recenzi: 28. 9. 2023
Přijato k tisku: 19. 12. 2023
MUDr. Dagmar Zpěváková
Oddělení otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku
Krajská nemocnice T. Bati, a. s.
Havlíčkovo nábř. 600
762 75 Zlín
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