The Effect of Voice Training Using Humming Resonance Exercises at Students – Preliminary Study
E. Dvořáková; M. Frič
Authors‘ workplace:
Výzkumné centrum hudební akustiky, Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU, Praha
Published in:
Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 68, 2019, No. 2, pp. 86-102.
Original Article
Introduction: Humming is one of semi-occluded vocal tract exercise, which is used in clinical practice - therapy and is part of voice training. The aim of the study was to verify the training and educational effect of resonance exercises at 5 students with an undamaged voice, without voice training experience over a short period of time (2.5 m.).
Methods: Voice recordings of tasks before and after the training process, monitoring of acquired vibro-acoustics parameters (electroglottography, voice range profile and acoustic parameters analysis). Personal history: interview with subjects, subjective assessment of subject’s own voice before and after study, assessing the state of voice by the teacher - before and after, feedback of subjects in diaries. Listening tests: evaluation of brightness by visual sort and rate method. Voice training: 6 lessons + home training with exercises recording.
Results: Acoustic measurements and evaluation by listening tests (visual ranking and rating procedure) of brightness feature - high degree of agreement among all evaluators - ICC1 all evaluations 0,925, they agreed that the brightness level was significantly increased by the test subjects after the voice training. Voice range profile (VRP) Analysis results demonstrated statistically significant changes to VRP peak contours that are typical of voice register transitions. Electroglottography - measurement of contact coefficient and parameter SPR (singing power ratio) distribution in VRP pointed at the strategy of amplifying the higher half of the voice range by increasing adduction. In the lower half a significant reduction in contact coefficient was measured at the transitions between the vibration mechanisms. SPR measurement has demonstrated the enhancement of spectral components in part 2 – 4 kHz, typical for professional speaking and singing. The overall statistical comparison of data shows an increase SPR medium and higher dynamics. There can be assumed spectrum enrichment and also more pronounced ringing voice quality. This result indicates a decrease in adduction along with the trend decline in CQd in the modal mechanism. The frequency-enriched voice is created with the same intensity after the training, but less adduction. This indicates improved voice production efficiency. Measured parameters in speech voice generally showed highly individual changes. A slight increase in voice pitch was statistically confirmed. Participants subjectively evaluated improvements in voice condition, easier speech production, longer breath phrases, less fatigue, increased usable voice range, and smoother transitions between registers from lower to high positions of voice.
Conclusion: Humming proves to be a method that can be used in voice education and rehabilitation, developing basic vocal skills, improving its quality and effective production.
voice quality – voice training – voice therapy – resonant voice – humming
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