Increasing Incidence of HPV Related Oropharyngeal Cancers
H. Binková 1; Z. Horáková 1; R. Kostřica 1; K. Veselý 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku LF MU a FN u svaté Anny v Brně
1; I. patologicko-anatomický ústav LF MU a FN u svaté Anny v Brně
Published in:
Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 64, 2015, No. 4, pp. 205-212.
Review Article
The incidence of head and neck tumors has generally stagnant or slightly decreasing character, which is mainly attributed to the declining prevalence of smoking. This trend is not true for oropharyngeal carcinoma (OPC), whose incidence is increasing rapidly, on the contrary, in the Czech Republic is now 3 times higher than 30 years ago. This increase is directly related to the growing group of OPC (45-95%), which etiology is related to Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection. HPV positive OPC represent etiologically, clinically and epidemiologically distinct group of patients, which is characterized by younger age, better response to treatment and a significantly better prognosis. Treatment standards do not reflect HPV status so far; however, an extensive research focuses on possible treatments des –intensification of HPV positive OPC to reduce the effects of mutilating radical and conservative surgical treatment. The possibility of preventive vaccination of adolescent young men and women is also being explored. Unlike cervical cancer, where preventive programs have already brought results in declining incidence trends, viral etiology of cancer tonsils and base of the tongue attracts still little attention. In public education should be emphasized the importance of the risk of HPV infection and the associated responsible approach when choosing sexual partners, especially for orogenital sex and preventive vaccination.
oropharyngeal cancer, HPV infection, oral sex, prognosis, prevention
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