Examinations of Hearing by Otoacoustic Emissions in Children afterInsertion of Ventilation Tubes
J. Jakubíková; M. Závodná
Authors‘ workplace:
Detská otorinolaryngologická klinika LF UK a DFNsP, Bratislava, prednosta doc. MUDr. J. Jakubíková, CSc.
Published in:
Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, , 1999, No. 1, pp. 6-10.
The authors describe the clinical application of transient evoked otoacoustic emissionsin the diagnosis of impaired hearing after insertion of ventilation tubes (VT) on account of secretoryotitis (SOM). They evaluate otoacoustic emissions in 14 children with bilateral secretory otitis beforeand after insertion of VT. Of nine children under four years in two a hearing disorder of the innerear was revealed by examination of emissions after insertion of a VT, subsequently confirmed byBERA examination and later by sound audiometry. In five children above five years comparison ofexamination of emissions and sound audiometry after insertion of VT revealed that otoacousticemissions after insertion of VT in SOM are sufficient evidence or normal hearing. Examination ofemissions is much shorter than examination by sound audiometry, it takes on average three minutes.
Key words:
otoacoustic emissions, ventilation of the middle ear, hearing examination.
Audiology Paediatric ENT ENT (Otorhinolaryngology)Article was published in
Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatrics
1999 Issue 1
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