Occupational Diseases ofWomen in theWest Bohemia Region

Authors: J. Kohout;  M. Kebrlová;  L. Smolíková
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika pracovního lékařství Fakultní nemocnice v Plzni, přednosta doc. MUDr. Josef Kohout, CSc.
Published in: Pracov. Lék., , 2002, No. 3, s. 118-119.


The authors evaluated the documentation of 180 men and 129 women where in 2000 and 2001 an occupational disease wasreported. The ratio of women was 45.3% which is slightly higher than proportion in nation-wide data. The women’s age at the timeof notification of an occupational disease is lower than in men. In men diseases caused by physical factors and pneumoconiosis aremore frequent, in women we can find more professional infections diseases. Within the framework of prevention it is necessary todevote attention to the condition of the locomotor system during preventive examinations. When evaluating work places attentionshould be paid to the working regiment. In occupational infections adherence to rules of hygiene is important, in some disease alsoimmunization.

Key words:
occupational diseases, women, diseases caused by long-term excessive burdening, pneumoconiosis, occupational infections

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