An atypical finding on scintigraphy with 99mTc-DPD, AL amyloidosis. Case report.
O. Kraft 1,2; G. Havlová 1; M. Havel 1,2; V. Židlík 3,2; E. Kapsová 4
Published in:
NuklMed 2025;14:7-10
In our practice, we encountered an atypical scintigraphic finding in a patient who was examined for suspected cardiac amyloidosis.
We were somewhat surprised by the scintigraphic findings after the application of 99mTc-DPD, in which there was a complete lack of radioindicator deposition in the skeleton, significant accumulation was in the lungs, and to a lesser extent in the myocardium. We, therefore, repeated the examination in another week. The finding was identical to that performed a week ago. At the same time, a hematological diagnosis was carried out and everything was finally clarified by the fact that the patient was diagnosed with AL amyloidosis. In the case of suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis, a hematological examination is always performed and all findings must be evaluated.
AL amyloidosis – scintigraphy – TTR amyloidosis – 99mTc-DPD
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Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics RadiotherapyArticle was published in
Nuclear Medicine

2025 Issue 1
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