Radionuclide generators for medical use – parent radionuclides, principles of function and quality control
Martin Vlk 1,2; Petra Suchánková 1,2; Ján Kozempel 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra jaderné chemie, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská, České vysoké učení technické v Praze
1; Klinika nukleární medicíny a endokrinologie, 2. lékařská fakulta UK a FN v Motole, Praha, ČR
Published in:
NuklMed 2019;8:42-51
Review Article
Aim: Presentation and summarisation of the most important findings related to the production of generator radionuclides, the principles of function and construction of radionuclide generators and their use in nuclear medicine and to the quality assurance.
Introduction: Radionuclide generators have been an integral part of the entire processes in nuclear medicine departments for decades. They allow to obtain short-lived radionuclides necessary for diagnostic purposes very easily.
Description of issues: The generator system is based on the relationship between parent and daughter radionuclide. Due to their specific chemical properties, a carrier-free preparation of daughter radionuclide can be obtained in a simple way for immediate use. The obtained radionuclide is either used directly for administration to the patient, or a radiopharmaceutical is prepared and subsequently applied. For the obtaining of daughter radionuclide regularly, it is necessary to prepare the parent radionuclide at first, which can be achieved either in a nuclear reactor or a cyclotron.
The general concept of radionuclide generators is to some extent similar, but the technical designs differ significantly. The parent radionuclide is immobilised in a certain chemical form within the system, which is shielded, and the daughter radionuclide is subsequently recovered in the certain chemical form. For patient’s safety, it is necessary to follow quality assurance rules of use and the quality control of the eluate in order to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure or the deterioration of examination.
Conclusions: All of the above-mentioned aspects are discussed in more detail and summarized in this paper. The need for radionuclide generators in nuclear medicine is evident and requires attention. Research and development of new types of generators based also on new radionuclides is very important. With their help, other new radionuclides will be more accessible and we will be one step closer to the personalized medicine.
radiopharmaceuticals – preparation of radionuclides – nuclear reactor – cyclotron – radionuclide generator – quality control
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Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics RadiotherapyArticle was published in
Nuclear Medicine

2019 Issue 3
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