Estimation of the accuracy of SUV measurement on SPECT/CT GE Discovery 670
Pavel Karhan; Jaroslav Ptáček
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení lékařské fyziky a radiační ochrany, LF UP a FN Olomouc, ČR
Published in:
NuklMed 2017;6:3-7
Original Article
A cross-calibration of tomographic sensitivity of SPECT/CT camera GE Discovery 670 against the local dose calibrator BQMetr4 was done.
Material and methods:
The error of the calibration coefficient was estimated to be 5,1 % in laboratory conditions. The calibration was confirmed by a series of measurements with the Jaszczak phantom with no inside structures and with hot lesions in various geometries and for different corrections.
The highest precision in a non-symmetrically scattering and attenuating environment for objects of size 25 mm was achieved for the combination of scatter correction by acquisition in two energy windows and CT-based attenuation correction 7,2 (± 2,9stat ± 10,3sys) % for manual segmentation and 7,9 (± 1,5stat ± 8,2sys) % for segmentation based on searching the maximal average in a region of fixed size. For automated segmentation using thresholding it is desirable to implement the resolution recovery algorithm and the final precision reached 0,5 (± 0,9stat ± 7,9sys) %.
The precision of SUV is determined by the precision of the cross-calibration. The systematic error of SUV is higher than the systematic error of the calibration due to imprecision of the dose calibrator and was estimated to 7,1 % at most for attenuation and scatter corrections for any segmentation method studied.
Key Words:
quantification of SPECT, SUV, measurement accuracy
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Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics RadiotherapyArticle was published in
Nuclear Medicine

2017 Issue 1
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