Biological testing of antibody IgG M75 labelled by 125I
Lenka Marešová 1; Ondřej Lebeda 2; Daniel Seifert 2; Irena Sieglová 3; Vlastimil Král 3
Authors‘ workplace:
ÚJV Řež, a. s.
1; ÚJF AV ČR, v. v. i., Řež
2; ÚMG AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha
Published in:
NuklMed 2014;3:2-7
Original Article
Radioimmunotherapy belongs to rapidly developing clinical methods. It is often the best therapy option for patients with relapsing lymphoma, or for elderly patients. The development of new types of immunoconjugates has been, therefore, one of the key topics in the development of new radiopharmaceuticals.
Immunoglobulin G M75 was labelled via electrophilic iodination method with 125I, a nuclide with optimal properties for development of labelling method and also for the determination the labelled compounds properties (binding activity, immunospecificity). Major advantages of 125I are mainly its long half-life (59,40 days) and low radiation burden. The conjugates were tested for binding activity by ELISA method, the concentration was determined by modified Bradford method. The physiological distribution was tested on CD1-Foxn1nu mice.
The results show an accumulation of more than 7 % of administered radioactivity in tumour tissue, the binding activity of the antibody determined one day after administration was > 90 % of the non-labelled compound binding activity.
The prepared radioimmunoconjugate IgG M75 labelled with 125I retains sufficient binding activity, and, therefore, it has potential in therapy of tumors expressing carbonic anhydrase. For the use in radioimunotherapy, it is necessary to test the analogous radioimmunoconjugate labelled with therapeutic radionuclide 131I.
Key words:
IgG M75, antibodies, physiological distribution, 125I, ELISA, CD1-Foxn1nu
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Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics RadiotherapyArticle was published in
Nuclear Medicine

2014 Issue 1
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