Hemodialyzovaný pacient s karcinomem štítné žlázy léčený 131I
Pavel Širůček () 1; Lubomír Mrhač () 2; Martin Havel () 2; Gabriela Havlová () 2; Otakar Kraft () 1; Šárka Dočkalová () 2; Renata Olšanská () 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika nukleární medicíny, FN Ostrava, Lékařská fakulta Ostravské univerzity
1; Klinika nukleární medicíny FN Ostrava
2; Hemodialyzační centrum FN Ostrava
Published in:
NuklMed 2012;1:48-52
For patients with differentiated thyroid cancer in end-stage renal failure who require dialysis, treatment with I-131 isotope may be essential. Diagnosis of cancer excludes these patients from the waiting list for kidney transplantation until the 3-5 year remission is reached. As patients with normal renal function eliminate I-131 from the body mainly by the kidneys, the effective half-life of I-131 in patients with renal failure is prolonged. Therefore, therapeutic dose administered should be reduced in order to reduce the radiation burden especially to the red bone marrow. We present a case report of a 48 year old man in end-stage renal failure treated with I-131 for papillary thyroid carcinoma. For this particular patient we reduced the therapeutic dose by 30 %. Hemodialysis was performed after administration of therapeutic doses of I-131 directly in the premises of nuclear medicine clinic. I-131 is dialyzable and after each dialysis residual radiation decreased by 33-67 %. Radiation exposure of hemodialysis center staff was minimal. Dialysis of patient treated with I-131 did not cause contamination of the dialysis unit.
Key words:
hemodialysis, thyroid cancer, treatment with I-131
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Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics RadiotherapyArticle was published in
Nuclear Medicine

2012 Issue 3
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