Idiopathic intestinal inflammations and invalidity
P. Matějková 1,2; Z. Vitková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
ČSSZ, Oddělení lékařské posudkové služby, pracoviště pro Prahu a střední Čechy, vedoucí oddělení LPS MUDr. Zdeňka Vítková
1; Sanatorium sv. Anny, EGK s. r. o, vedoucí gastroenterologického pracoviště MUDr. Anna Jungwirthová
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 22, 2019, č. 3, s. 55-63
Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports
The article deals with idiopathic intestinal inflammations and evaluation of invalidity in the patients. Present know- ledge about idiopathic intestinal inflammations, Crohn’s disease and ulcerous colitis has been described. The authors describe etiology, clinical picture, extraintestinal symptoms, methods of examination, and therapy of these diseases. The therapy is represented by amino-salicylates, corticosteroids including local immunosuppressive drugs. The most recent trends include biological treatment and treatment with small molecules. A part of the patients with intestinal inflammations undergo surgical interventions. Dietary restrictions are also described.
The paper also describes the process of invalidity evaluation of patients with idiopathic intestinal inflammations on the basis of valid Regulation including more complicated patients, where fistulas incontinency or stomia are present.
The article also describes statistical data form the LPS ČSSZ. These data make obvious the proportion of gastroenterological patients or those with idiopathic intestinal inflammations from the total number of the evaluated patients. The evolution of the number of requests of patients with the Crohn’s disease and ulcerous colitis in the 2015–2017 years are presented as well as the results of invalidity evaluation in these patients including the results with respect to sex and age. In Discussion the authors take into consideration the process of evaluation economic expenses associated with invalidity of the patients suffering from idiopathic intestinal inflammations.
invalidity – idiopathic intestinal inflammations – ulcerous colitis – Crohn’s disease
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2019 Issue 3
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