Adaptation in the old age in relation to health state and a degree of dependence and ethical values in the evaluation of the degree of dependence
L. Čeledová 1; R. Ptáček 2; R. Čevela 1; H. Ptáčková 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav sociálního a posudkového lékařství, UK LF Plzeň
1; Psychiatrická klinika, UK 1. LF a VFN Praha
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 20, 2017, č. 2, s. 51-59
Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports
The article reports the project "Adaptation in old age in relation to health status and degree of dependency and ethical values when assessing the degree of dependence". The object of the project is to analyze psychosocial adaptation mechanisms in the elderly, especially with regard to health status and degree of dependence, to propose further strategies in elderly care, in connection with the possibilities of their psychosocial adaptation and social integration and assessment of the degree of dependence, to create a methodology and procedures for assessing psychosocial adaptation of seniors with a degree of dependence, analyze and set ethical principles and communication approaches in assessing the degree of dependence. The project is a unique one in the Czech Republic in the topic as well as in the complexity. Some of the conclusions and suggestions for methodological recommendations resulting from the project have already been implemented in the practice of Medical Assessment Services by updating existing methodologies.
Medical Assessment Service – psychosocial adaptation – degree of dependence
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2017 Issue 2
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