Medicinal products and laboratory tests – do we really control it?
M. Prokeš; J. Suchopár
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Reviz. posud. Lék., 18, 2015, č. 2, s. 50-56
Review articles, original papers, case report
In this review article authors want to draw attention to possible inappropriate prescribing when drugs altering kaliemia or magnesemia are prescribed without ordering appropriate laboratory tests. Hypokaliemia and/or hypomagnesemia increases risk of serious cardiac arrhytmia, such as torsade de pointes, which is rare but life threatening, especially when drugs prolonging QT interval are co-prescribed. Co-prescription of drugs afecting RAAS and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRA) can cause hyperkalemia, which can also kill patients. Recent abroad studies revealed, that physicians do not allways order appropriate laboratory tests to identify the drug risk. To identify the physicians and advice them should be within the abilities of health funds.
hypokaliemia – hypomagnesemia – hyperkaliemia – patient monitoring
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2015 Issue 2
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