The patient with multiple myeloma in the system of medical and social care in the Czech Republic – assessment of a questionnaire survey
R. Hájek; M. Košuličová; A. Onderková
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika hematoonkologie, Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava
přednosta prof. MUDr. Roman Hájek, CSc.
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 18, 2015, č. 1, s. 8-14
Review articles, original papers, case report
The paper offers an insight into diagnostics and therapy of multiple myeloma in the Czech Republic including complications associated with the therapy. Multiple myeloma is classified in the group of rare disease. In a real life this fact is objectively confirmed by initial diagnostic difficulties, but it is subsequently reflected in requiring life situations on the patients and their close relatives. The basic supportive role in the whole system is played by medical and non-profit organizations. The authors offer the results of a short-term questionnaire survey performed in members of the Multiple Myeloma Patients’ Club, which was performed in January and February 2015. The objective of the questionnaire survey was to monitor the extent of practical experience of the patients with the accessibility of highly innovative therapeutic drugs used in the treatment of multiple myeloma within specialized center for the therapy of multiple myeloma in the Czech Republic used outside clinical evaluations. The other objective was to monitor the degree of accessibility of social compensations, which – for many patients with this rare disease – are indispensible since the moment of diagnosis.
Czech Myeloma Group – Multiple Myeloma Patients’ Support Group – Velcade – Revlimid – Thalidomide – Myrine – diagnostics – therapy – TP card (exceptional advantages) – ZTP card (advanced exceptional advantages) – invalidity pension – accessibility and quality of medical services
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2. Adam, Z., Maisnar, V. et al. Mnohočetný myelom, jak včas rozpoznat tuto nemoc a jak s ní žít. Informace pro nemocné a jejich blízké. Česká myelomová skupina, nadační fond. 2. dotisk, 3., přepracovaného a doplněného vydání. vyd. Masarykova universita. Ivan Mentrich-studio Mentéo: Brno. 2013, ISBN 978-80-210-4680-1.
3. Hájek, R., Adam, Z., Kessler, P. et al. Doplněk č. 1 k souhrnu doporučení z 9/2012 „Diagnostika a léčba mnohočetného myelomu“. Transfuze Hematol. dnes, 2014, Suppl, s. 25–36.
4. Hájek, R., Adam, Z., Ščudla, V. et al. Souhrn doporučení 2012 „Diagnostika a léčba mnohočetného myelomu“. Transfuze Hematol. dnes, 2012. Suppl.
5. Maisnar, V., Straub, J., Adam, Z., Hájek, R., Onderková, A., Hrianka, M. Mnohočetný myelom. Vzdělávací CD pro pacienty a jejich blízké. Vyd. HK CREDIT spol. s. r. o., Hradec Králové. ISBN 978-80-86780-45-0
6. Ševčíková, S., Němec, P., Pour, L., Hájek, R. Genomics in multiple myeloma research. Klin. Onkol., 2011, 24 Supp: S34–8.
Elektronické odkazy: (Bulletin-klubový časopis) (Publikace Klub pacientů MM) (Publikace České myelomové skupiny, NF) (Vzdělávací semináře pro pacienty a jejich blízké)
Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2015 Issue 1
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