Long-term observation of implementation of secondary prevention at older and advanced age
Dolanský Hynek
Authors‘ workplace:
Společnost revizního lékařství ČLS JEP
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 17, 2014, č. 4, s. 83-98
Review articles, original papers, case report
The author presents a long-term observation of preventive examinations and oncological prevention in policyholders of advanced age, registered in medical institutions where general practitioners take care of adult patients.
The results of the questionnaire survey, performed with 3176 policyholders from July 2010 to March 2014 were compared with the preceding period as well as those obtained in the period of 2007 to July 2010 and the 2010 year.
The results represent 5186 randomly addressed policyholders of advanced age registered at health insurance companies of Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions.
For a good arrangement of the evaluation according to the character of the content, time whole sociological survey was divided in four basic groups. The first group represented questions addressed to the awareness level, knowledge of the concept, content, time frequency and organization of preventive examinations. The second group concerned questions about the quality level of oncological prevention, education of the self-examination provided by the physicians and self-examination performed by the patients themselves. The third group dealt with a group of questions associated with the performed clinical examinations, recommendations for examinations by physicians within the framework of preventive examinations and oncological prevention. The fourth group included questions related to problems of organizational arrangement of information about screening examinations and accepted forms of addressing the policyholders about their participation.
The conclusions of the compared surveys demonstrated the need for improving the quality how the preventive examinations and oncological prevention are performed by the general practitioners especially considering the fact that the results and the knowledge suggested sc. social unequality.
The whole problem of secondary prevention and its societal importance is not only related to organizational strategy for the prevention of death from civilization diseases, but also with medical ethics and the physician’s own approach to its quality implementation in practice. According to valid legislation it is associated with the quality level of the performed intervention within the content and extent of intervention covered by finances of the public health insurance. The conclusions and recommendations therefore underline the importance of monitoring the problem by revision physician as well as the importance of mutual collaboration between the healthcare providers, payers and the policyholders in particular. The continuous improvement of the quality of societal information contributes to the quality of provided health care.
secondary prevention – preventive examination– oncological prevention– primary care – policyholder – advanced age – social unequality
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2014 Issue 4
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