Optimal plural health insurance system

Authors: Linhartová Klára;  Kotherová Zuzana
Authors‘ workplace: Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství ČVUT, Kladno
Published in: Reviz. posud. Lék., 17, 2014, č. 2-3, s. 58-64
Category: Review articles, original papers, case report


Plural health insurance systems have slightly different form in every country where they have been implemented. There is also a different status and functioning of health insurance companies in each country. On the basis of their own analysis the authors identify the general essential characteristics of plural health insurance systems by studying four selected European systems. They also sort them and using the 100-point method, they assign a weight rating to the specific characteristics found (to attributes of the optimal plural system). The Czech system placed in this evaluation in the last position, and thus the most remote among the studied countries from the defined optimum. So, the Czech health insurance system functions as if it were a system with only one insurance company.

plural health insurance system – health insurance company


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