Stress load of medical assessment doctors
Čeledová Libuše; Čevela Rostislav
Authors‘ workplace:
Odbor posudkové služby, Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí , Praha
Published in:
Reviz. posud. Lék., 16, 2013, č. 3, s. 83-88
Original Papers
In order to determine the psychological resistance of medical assessment doctors to the workload caused by the increasing number of duties and simultaneous ongoing changes, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs carried out in 2010, through the Department of Psychiatry of the General University Hospital in Prague, a project entitled “Determining stress load and factors affecting stress resistance of medical examiners in the ongoing reorganization of the medical assessment service”. The aim of the project was not only to determine the level of stress load of medical assessment doctors but also to suggest preventive measures that should limit this level. The article presents the main findings of the research and proposals of measures increasing the psychological resistance of medical assessment physicians.
stress – burnout syndrome – medical assessment service
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Medical assessment Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Medical Revision

2013 Issue 3
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